Unfortunately (or fortunately for us!) writers never cease to mix up words. I have delved into the Pit again, and am bringing you some new examples of words which are not what the writers think they are... If you have missed the previous 4 installments, you can find them by clicking on the bad!fictionary tag.
Sup, ya'll. I've been poking around FF.net looking for stuff to spork (Why yes, I am lame and self-destructive enough that I specifically look for badfic), and I thought I'd share some interesting titles and summaries I came across. Titles and summaries are in italics, sporking is in bold.
I thought I found this here but apparently not, it's pure wtf.
The Summary: Auron's encounter with a dark fiend turns into more then a fight for his life, it's now a battle for his virginity and diginty
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